Universities in Russia

The Orenburg State Medical University

Orenburg State Medical University was first established in the year 1955. The University is located in Orenburg City which is 1,478 kilometers (918 mi) southeast from Moscow. OSMU is very close to the border with Kazakhstan. Nowadays, there are over 550 scientific and staff members working with this University. Orenburg State Medical University is considered to the best University in Russia. The faculty provides the students with the field of General Medicine.

Specialists in the sphere of medicine have graduated from the Academy for many years. Graduates of the Academy are working in state and private medical and preventive institutions with leading positions in state administrative structures while solving primary issues on development of modern medicine. The scientific and research work is carried out in global top-priority directions of fundamental and applied studies.

The Academy has necessary infrastructure, which allows carrying out research work with intellectual property protection and implementation of new medical technologies. The personnel of the Academy have received 350 invention patents. The management of the Academy supports common international innovative projects, development of licensing mechanisms and international certification, formation of international groups.


Faculty started since the founding of the Chkalov (Orenburg) Medical Institute. For 68 years, changed its name and structure (Academy), but medical faculty always remained the leading division of the university, training of students majoring in “Medicine”. Department annually produces over two hundred newly trained health professionals for the Russian. During 6 years of training, the students will learn the medical faculty extensive program of 54 items. Training takes place on 47 faculty departments and courses in which work and help students master the knowledge and skills of more than 300 professors, associate professors and professors.

Basic structure of the human body and the life of the organism, the foundations of pathology faculty, students perceive in the walls of buildings three theoretical Academy; familiarity with the disease and the first steps in the treatment of patients receive based on the largest hospital in the city and region. Here students of practice get their first medical experience and master achievements of modern medicine.

With first-year students of medical faculty actively engaged in research work in student scientific circles. And the result of this mass phenomenon – student participation in academic work, starting with junior courses, is that virtually all groups of departments staffed our academy graduates. After the academy most capable students of the faculty continue to improve their knowledge in a clinical internship and graduate school at the departments of the Academy. Graduates of our faculty are not only practitioners, but also by scientists in fundamental areas of science: biochemistry, microbiology, physiology, pharmacology, etc.


Medical Departments :

  • Department of General Medicine
  • Department of Paediatrics
  • Dental Department
  • Department of preventive care
  • Pharmaceutical Department
  • Department of Clinical Psychology

  • Adaptation of students to studies at the Academy: days of meeting with the Academy, with students’ selfgovernment bodies. Spiritual and moral, patriotic education: organization and participation in conferences, round table meetings, contests.
    Aesthetic education: organization and participation in creative festivals, evenings of poetry, hours of literature; cultural and educational tourism.
    Labour education: formation of construction teams, teams for provision of fire safety.
    Organization of intramural and leisure events: running of annual students’ festivals (The days of knowledge, initiation into students, Miss of the OrSMA, Club of the Funny and Inventive, etc.) Physical cultural and health-improving work and mass sport work: participation in sports holidays of the Academy, traditional sports events of the city and region, organization of work of sports sections. Work of students’ self-government bodies: committee of students, students’ scientific society, team of law protection, voluntary students’ movement, students’ council of hostels. Propaganda of healthy lifestyle: participation in the contest “Institution – the territory of health”, forum “Reproductive health of young people”, etc.
    Prophylaxis of drug, alcohol and other addiction: running of actions devoted to the Global refuse from smoking, struggle with AIDS, etc., organization of lectures of neurologists to the students. .

    Student life

    OSMU has 3 hostels within the University. The third hostel is reserved for the Indian students. These hostels give a very homely feeling for the students who came from different places. There is a sports club in the University which was first inaugurated in the year 2013. Organizing and improving the sports work for students, propaganda of healthy lifestyle and upgrading of sportsmanship is the prime aim of the University. There are 12 sports leagues in the club in which all the Indian students participate such as; aerobics, swimming, basketball, volleyball, indoor soccer, track-and-field athletics, table tennis, lifting, skiing, chess, etc.


    A new structural subdivision – Sports club – was opened at the Academy in 2013. The main aim of its activity is organization and improvement of sports work with students, propaganda of healthy lifestyle and upgrading of sportsmanship. Sports club is an educational and training structural subdivision of the Academy. 12 sports leagues are functioning in the Club (aerobics, swimming, basketball, volleyball, indoor soccer, track-and-field athletics, table tennis, lifting, skiing, chess). The number of sports leagues will increase after opening a new sports center of the Academy.

    Our sportsmen often participate in competitions of municipal, regional, interregional and national level. The sports club organizes intramural competitions among students. We are always glad to see new students who are fond of sports and ready to do it at the Orenburg State Medical Academy!
